Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Art of Spiritual House Wifery

So I'm a stay-at-home-mom now. After years of recognized employment as a photographer, a zoo keeper, shoe maker and ice-cream scooper, I find myself without independent income, all dressed up in my pajamas and nowhere to go. Fortunately I have the support of my other SAHMs. We get together, have nice lunches and all that grown up crap that I never saw myself doing.
Also, I have never worked harder in my life. 24 hour work, no pay and little appreciation, except of course from the man-child and H-man. But the benefits are far superior that health care and workman's comp. I get to be with my baby all day every day, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Why would I want to be at work when I could, instead, be with my little boy and see his first time crawling, or laughing or anything for that matter.
The house is mine for the caring. I clean and cook and play with the baby. I make H-man's lunches and have dinner ready for him when he gets home. I really enjoy this lifestyle, it makes me feel needed and appreciated.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Better Lighting,I Guess

Husbandman: "I'm going to go look at my thing outside"
Me: "..."
H-Man "my tomatoes, I'm going to go look at my tomatoes, outside"


Stella was obviously in pain, she was walking around the house yowling (more so than usual) and moving her mouth in a weird way. I managed to grab her and pin her and pry open her mouth and was met with a stench that could only be described as "god-awful". Her lower left canine was pink, it was actually pink and had green pus all around the gum line, also it was very very wobbly.
When I think about bad teeth I think about Al Bundy. There's an episode of Married With Children where Al has some tooth issues and has one of his kid's look at it. The kid, Bud? Kelly? looks at it and describes it as "fizzing". Stella's tooth was not fizzing, but it was disgusting.
So we took her to the vet and took out the tooth, and she got medicine. She smells a lot better now, and is gaining weight again. We chalked up her poor condition and weight loss to baby stress. We had no idea it was because of a horrible oral condition.
Later on that week, our friend was over visiting and he was asking about Stella. Husbandman says, "she really hates it when I try to stick anything in her mouth". Friend looks at him, silently. "He means medicine" I added.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6 months later....

So, it turns out that having a baby takes up a lot of your time. Even when he's asleep on my lap, the clickety clackety of the keyboard as I type wakes him up, so updating this blog has been difficult, nay, impossible until recently when the man-child began to sleep through the night. In his own bed.
Having not slept for six months, at least for more than 2 hours at a time, I can definitely say that sleep is a valuable commodity in this house. Many mornings I wake up with the baby, take him for a walk and run errands while Husband man sleeps in and gets ready for work. H-man, by the very nature of his job, doesn't get home, sometimes until 2 or 3 am. So bless his heart, he gets to sleep in. But often I find myself rolling over to my beloved husband and whispering into his ear,"I will give you a million dollars if you wake up with him today" before I collapse back into the warm fuzzy arms of sleep.
Motherhood is wonderful, of course, and our little Mr. Pants is the light of our lives and the center of everything that we live for. Also, he just may be the cutest baby who has ever existed in the history of the world.
Before Mr. Pants I never could understand why people talked about their kids so much. Now I get it. I used to not really care about babies, then I had one and I find myself "Oohing" and "Awwwwwing" over someones baby pictures or some baby at the store. It's rather disgusting, and startles people close to me to find out that I do, in fact, have a soul somewhere in this cold squishy body of mine.
Speaking of cold and squishy. If I read one more quote from a celebrity about how they lost all their baby weight by breastfeeding, I may lose it. I'm still at the the weight I was when I popped out the little guy, and that little guy eats more than you could imagine.