Stella was obviously in pain, she was walking around the house yowling (more so than usual) and moving her mouth in a weird way. I managed to grab her and pin her and pry open her mouth and was met with a stench that could only be described as "god-awful". Her lower left canine was pink, it was actually pink and had green pus all around the gum line, also it was very very wobbly.
When I think about bad teeth I think about Al Bundy. There's an episode of Married With Children where Al has some tooth issues and has one of his kid's look at it. The kid, Bud? Kelly? looks at it and describes it as "fizzing". Stella's tooth was not fizzing, but it was disgusting.
So we took her to the vet and took out the tooth, and she got medicine. She smells a lot better now, and is gaining weight again. We chalked up her poor condition and weight loss to baby stress. We had no idea it was because of a horrible oral condition.
Later on that week, our friend was over visiting and he was asking about Stella. Husbandman says, "she really hates it when I try to stick anything in her mouth". Friend looks at him, silently. "He means medicine" I added.