I have what some people would call "road rage". I like to refer to it as "common decency and respect for human life", but you know,I'm crazy like that.
If you are in a car and I am in a separate car and we are approaching an intersection in conflicting directions, and you get there first, by all means, take your turn, goddammit.
If I am backing out of a space and you are approaching from any direction I will stop and let you pass. Please don't flash your brights at me because then I will hate you and complain about you on my blog, and to my husband.
If you are approaching a stop sign, please do so in a manner that traffic that is not required to stop is assured that you will stop, i.e. not speeding up the stop sign/ edging forwards from a stopped position while cross traffic is approaching.
If I am going 5 MPH over the speed limit or more, and you tailgate me, I will not speed up. I will slow down to exactly the speed limit, flip my rear view mirror so I can't see you and turn the music up. It's called passive aggressiveness, and I excel at it. Just ask H-man.
I suppose, bottom line, that people should not behave with their cars in a manner that they would not behave with themselves in polite society.