Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Told You So

Have you ever had a moment where you want to say to someone,"I knew this was going to happen" or, in similar context "I told you so"?. If you are married or in a long term relationship, especially with a man, than I'm sure this rings familiar.
I love my husband. We have a very strong bond that neither time or anti-glue agent could disband. But, forgive him, he is a boy, and sometimes he is unaware of dangers and concerns that only a highly neurotic new mother is aware of. Case in point: The Truck.
We bought the Truck a few months ago and despite a mechanic's assurance that the Truck was in excellent health, last week we had to replace the head gaskets, which costs a few thousand dollars, shitty, to be modest.
Today we tried to take the truck up the mountain to visit a very beautiful place where H-Man works and where he wanted very much to show his wife the aforementioned beauty. I thought, and gently suggested that perhaps, since we just got the head gaskets replaced, that maybe we shouldn't drive the truck into the wilderness, perhaps we should drive it around our neighborhood and see what happens.
I don't think I need to narrate what transpired.